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Iberia and Panama sign tourism promotion agreement

  Iberia and Panama sign tourism promotion agreement A greater positioning of Panama as a tourist destination in the markets of Spain, France and Germany, seeks a new promotion and marketing agreement established between PROMTUR Panama, destination marketing organization (DMO, for its acronym in English), and the Spanish airline Iberia. The agreement is expected to attract the visit of tourists from Spain, France and Germany. Source: En Segundos The promotion agreement will allow the dissemination of exclusive content about Panama in various digital and traditional communication channels of Iberia, among which the in-flight entertainment system, its digital magazine Iberia Plus, social networks, electronic bulletin (newsletter) and its website The execution of this alliance will last 6 months and it is estimated to generate an economic impact for the country of 39 million balboas. The agreement is part of a group of strategic alliances with airlines, online trav