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Bocas del Toro International Sea, Agroecological and Tourism Fair in Panama from October 12th to 16th

  Bocas del Toro International Sea, Agroecological and Tourism Fair in Panama from October 12th to 16th According to the regional director of the ATP in this region, Lesbia Rubides, the 126 lodging structures (hotels, hostels, residences and apart hotels registered in the entity), are at their maximum capacity. Source: ATP Panama. Hotel occupancy is 100% in Isla Colón, in the province of Bocas del Toro, where this Wednesday, October 12, the International Sea, Agroecological and Tourism Fair is inaugurated, in its fifty-eighth version. “They have called from different parts of the country to reserve rooms, but there are currently no spaces on Isla Colón, so those interested in enjoying the fair have found it necessary to request accommodation on the neighboring islands: Carenero and Bastimento. ”, declared the official. Yarai Moreno, a native of the Chiriquí Grade district, was chosen queen of the fair and as vice queen Yasuany Walcott and Esperanza Vásquez, from the districts